Welcome to the Artist Gallery
Joseph Crowell has been a featured artist on The Artist Gallery.com since July 03, 2020.
Barbuda Burrows
Gypsy Lady
(scroll down for slideshow)
Joseph's Links
Shasta Lake
Al Decker
Joseph's Featured Artworks
Field Worker
Lithea Creek
Oil Guy
Three Quero Porters
Joseph's Slideshow
Forest Trail
I like to sit in coffee shops with my sketchbook and ball point pen and draw the different faces I see and then wonder if everyone realizes how unique and worthy they are. They all become my private, unaware subjects, and I think of how lucky I am.
I also find much joy in hiking up a trail along a river or stream, and sitting with my watercolors to record the way the flow churns into the aqua pools to sparkle and mesmerize me into an artistic trance. I truly don’t know where the time goes when I do this, but I’m willing to bet that the painter Winslow Homer would know what I was talking about.
I sold my work, taught painting and drawing and collected different awards in the Ashland, Oregon area for the past 20 years. Along the way I built and sold 22 gypsy wagons. Creating these little wooden hobbit houses satisfied my desire to use my hands and create little portable dwellings that I can tow and live in while I’m out painting those rivers and lakes and feel I’m living the best of both worlds. I’m happily now living in the Port Townsend, Washington area and ready to share my art with this magical place.
The Artist Gallery.com
Night Blooming Sirius
Ashland Creek
Joseph Crowell
Cascade Peak
Untitled 4